Breathing Approaches for a simpler Labor

Hollywood’s portrayal of childbirth more often than not includes some form of a laboring woman being asked to breathe, whether that's the clichéd “hee hee hee hooo” respiratory rate or something else. But even though it may appear silly, there is actually something to focusing on the breath that will assist you during the labor and birth of your baby. Continue reading for many ideas about why breathing might help you during labor and techniques that you could try both before and through your baby’s birth.

Why focused breathing helps while pregnant and labor

Scientists know from studying high-level athletes that focusing on the breath, particularly deep, leisurely breaths, increases your awareness of the body, relaxation, and also the amount of oxygen that gets into your blood, which will help you in addition to helping your baby. Awareness of your body is generally helpful during labor, as concentrating on the physical sensations of breathing and feeling might help minimize distractions that might lead you to worry or counteract normal labor occurrences that aren't necessarily helpful. For instance, during times of worry or pain, people often speed up their breathing and make it shallower, which can increase anxiety and decrease blood oxygenation. Focusing on making the breath slow and even can counterbalance the detrimental effects of this natural occurrence. Plus, since everyone breathes and can consciously control their breath, this mode of relaxation can be obtained to anyone.

Pregnancy, labor, and birthing could be times during the great anxiety for most people, but breathing could be a good point on which to focus because it is continuously happening in the background in your life. In her own book Mindful Birthing, midwife Nancy Bardacke writes that concentrating on the breath works while pregnant and birth because it is portable and try to with you. There is no way no longer to pack your breath in your hospital bag. She also explains that the concentrate on the breath can shift the main focus away from other, less helpful things our brain may be doing, such as analyzing the situation or attempting to plan or control outcomes. Additionally, Bardacke emphasizes how your breath can help you be present in labor since there is nothing to do but concentrate on each breathe in and out because they happen.

Breathing approaches for pregnancy, labor, and birth

Some of these breathing techniques might work for you, however, many might not. Have a look, and see which fits into your budget. Once you have found a breathing technique you love, practice it as often as you like. The more you've practiced, the easier it will be to call around the technique when you need it during your labor and baby’s birth.

  • Exhale-focused breath: Dallas psychologist Ann Dunnewold encourages clients and meditation students to begin by emptying their lungs completely with a big exhale. She explains that the inhale can activate the flight/fight/freeze response out of your sympathetic nervous system, and can make you more anxious or reactive. In contrast, the exhale activates the parasympathetic nervous system, combined with the requirement for rest and calm. After this initial exhale, allow your body to inhale by itself, and then exhale fully, making the exhale longer than the inhale. You are able to count within your head as you breathe. You might inhale to the count of 3 or 4 and exhale to the count of Five to six. As you continue this practice, you may gradually deepen your inhales and lengthen your exhales. If it helps, you can open your mouth and exhale having a long sigh.
  • Horse-lips breath: if you feel yourself clenching your jaw as you breath, this method is a good one to get the mouth and face to relax. Begin by opening your mouth, so that your lower and upper jaw separate, and then close your lips, without closing your jaw. Inhale through your nose and exhale forcefully using your mouth with loosened lips, so that your lips vibrate together, developing a noise like a horse. Repeat as often as you need to.
  • Targeting discomfort with your breath: it is not uncommon during pregnancy and birth to become uncomfortable. Maybe your back or legs happen to be aching your whole pregnancy or perhaps during labor, you experience painful contractions. By practicing this breathing technique, it is possible you will find some respite. Begin by drawing your focus on whatever spot in your body is most uncomfortable. The next time you inhale, imagine your breath likely to that spot. It could assistance to picture your breath as golden light. While you exhale, think of the breath is carrying the pain or discomfort from your body or the discomfort is being escorted away using the golden light of the breath. Repeat when needed.
  • Vocal toning or sounding: as labor and birth becomes more intense, lots of people want to vocalize. You might want to scream in agony, but a little bit of conscious vocalizing coordinated with your breath may well be more beneficial. Begin by drawing your focus on your breath. Notice what it really seems like as you exhale and inhale. Then inhale to organize as well as on your exhale, open your mouth, relax your jaw, and say “ohhhhh” with a low voice. You can inhale and vocalize again in your next exhale or have a few normal breaths in between vocalizations. You may stick with “oh” or you can use another sound which works for you, such as “ah,” “oo,” or “om.”

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