8 Home Remedies for Chikungunya Which help Treat The Symptoms In No Time

A disease transmitted by mosquitoes, chikungunya isn't fatal, but can be very painful, rendering one very weak. The overall symptoms are high fever, headache, skin rashes, nausea, and pain within the joints. Though there is no remedy for this common illness, these home remedies for chikungunya will help relieve the signs and symptoms that are associated with it.

These natural cures are easy, safe and effective. These will aid you to alleviate the symptoms and speed up your recovery.

Symptoms of chikungunya

The most typical symptoms of chikungunya include,

  • Fever
  • Joint pain
  • Joint swelling
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Skin rashes
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Fatigue

According to Mayo Clinic, you need to visit the doctor when:

\”See your physician if you think you or a family member may have chikungunya, especially if you have recently traveled to an area where there’s an ongoing outbreak. Your doctor may order blood tests to look for chikungunya or similar diseases. If you're sick with chikungunya, avoiding new mosquito bites will help prevent the virus from spreading.\”


According around the world Health Organization,

\”Chikungunya has been identified in over 60 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and also the Americas.

The virus is transmitted from human to human by the bites of infected female mosquitoes. Most often, the mosquitoes involved are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, two species which can also transmit other mosquito-borne viruses, including dengue. These mosquitoes are available biting throughout daylight hours, even though there may be peaks of activity in the early morning and late afternoon. Both species are found biting outdoors, but Ae. aegypti will also readily feed indoors.

After the bite of an infected mosquito, onset of illness occurs usually between 4 and 8 days but can range from 2 to 12 days.\”

Home remedies for chikungunya

Here would be the 8 most common natural treatments that help get rid of symptoms associated with chikungunya. Apart from the remedies, we have also provided some additional tips after the most to help people take precaution against the disease. We hope this helps.

1. Giloy

The first remedy on our list today is Giloy capsues. You have to take two Giloy capsules every day. You can take one after every meal. The dosage should not exceed more than 1 gm.

This herb ought to be taken for at least a month.

Commonly called Guduchi, Giloy is called Tinospora cordifolia scientifically. It is very popular in Ayurveda and is a cure for many ailments. What makes it such a great remedy for chikungunya is it is anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory. Giloy capsules will also be antimicrobial properties which ensures a speedy recovery from chikungunya.

A word of caution: Impulse Giloy capsules to children who're five years old or younger than that. Also, the dosage should not be more than 250 mg per day.

2. Papaya Leaves

The next remedy is papaya leaves. For that treatment, take 8 fresh papaya leaves and wash them. Now get rid of the long stem. Also take away the central vein of the leaves. Now chop the leaves and blend them into a quick paste. Now strain this liquid. You need to get rid of the pulp and drink four teaspoons from the juice every four hours.

In case you don't find fresh papaya leaves, you are able to us papaya leaf tincture.

You need to drink the juice not less than three days or until the symptoms persist.

Papaya works as such a great remedy because during chikungunya the blood platelet count gets reduced. Papaya leaves help raise these numbers. As a result, recovery is quicker.

3. Garlic Paste

Garlic might help against chikungunya. To use it as a natural treatment, take Ten to twelve cloves of garlic and peel them. Now grind with water to create a fine paste. On the affected joint areas, apply this paste. You should leave the paste on for a couple of hours and then rinse out with lukewarm water.

You need to apply the paste at least two times a day.

Garlic works wonders on affected joints and alleviates inflammation as well as pain which are symptoms related to chikungunya.

4. Turmeric

The next remedy on our list is turmeric. For that remedy, you will need half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add this to a glass of milk. Make certain there are no lumps. After mixing the turmeric powder in your milk, drink while it is still warm.

You should drink a minimum of two glasses of turmeric milk every day, once in the morning and once during the night.

Turmeric is a great remedy for a number of common diseases, chikungunya being one. The curcumin in turmeric, which is a strong antioxidant, lets turmeric alleviate the inflammation caused by chikungunya.

5. Chili Peppers

Chili peppers might help get rid of symptoms that are linked to chikungunya. For this remedy, you will need about 2 and a half tablespoons of cayenne pepper and a cup of olive oil. You can also use jojoba oil instead of olive oil. Almond oil is also a good alternative. You will also need half a mug of beeswax.

Prepare a paste by mixing these ingredients (minus beeswax) and heat it for five to 10 minutes on medium heat. Now take away the pan from the heat, and add beeswax. Stir well and form a consistent paste. Let the paste cool for Ten minutes, and apply it on the affected joints.

You need to use this thrice a day until the pain goes away.

Why chili peppers works is because it is a rich source of capsaicin. Capsaicin is anti-inflammatory with a soothing effect on joint pain.

A word of caution: While you prepare the paste, make sure you use gloves. Also do not touch your eyes or face as the chili pepper can cause a burning sensation.

6. Cold Compress


The sixth remedy is cold compress. You will require a few cubes of ice along with a clean and soft hand towel, with this treatment. Begin by crushing the ice. Now place them in the hand towel and wrap them up. You need to hold the towel on the affected joint and leave it on for a few minutes. Keep repeating for some times.

The cold compress treatment ought to be done thrice a day for as long as it requires for the pain to go away.

This treatment works effectively because cold compress might help reduce inflammation swelling and damage in the joints. It slows down the circulation of blood to the affected area and cures it quickly.

7. Massage Oil

The next natural treatment involves using castor oil. Begin by warming the oil within the microwave. Now once it is soothingly warm, add a pinch of cinnamon powder and mix well. Apply the oil around the affected joints and massage gently.

You need to repeat the treatment two times a day before the pain is relieved.

Castor oil is anti-inflammatory which property will come in handy when you want to get rid of the symptoms that are from the chikungunya virus. Cinnamon too is anti-inflammatory which only helps boost castor oil's quality to heal pain.

8. Grapes

The last remedy on our list is grapes. With this, you require a few seedless grapes. Chew on these and follow it with a cup of cow's milk. You want to do once a day for three days.

This natural treatment is guaranteed as grapes give relief from both pain in addition to fever, which are symptoms associated with chikungunya. Also, grapes contain phenolic compounds which make grapes an amazing antioxidant and antivirus.

A word of caution: People who are allergic to dairy or aren't supposed to have dairy should avoid this and check out the other remedies on this list.

Tips For Chikungunya

Apart from trying these natural home remedies, you can try these tips too:

  • You need keep your house clean. Hygiene must be a priority. Make sure there is no stagnant water for too long. For example, the water in flower vases or in water storage containers.
  • Always keep water and food covered if you don't want it to get infected.
  • Water should not be left stagnant in buckets out-of-doors.
  • You need to use mosquito repellent not just in the night, but also in the day, because you can be bitten by a mosquito carrying the condition in the morning too.
  • Make sure your children sleep under mosquito nets.
  • If your area is infected by the disease, wear full sleeve clothes as much as possible.

If even after trying all these natural cures the problem persists, then you need to visit a doctor.

That is all we have around the home remedies for chikungunya. Do you think this post was helpful? Do you have some suggestions for us? Let us know in the comment section below.

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See you again tomorrow with a brand new set of remedies for a general medical condition.

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