Secrets of a Food Doctor

Fasting has become more mainstream in the last 3 years thanks to books like The Fast Diet. New research suggests that fasting for 18 hours each day offers better results for example improved insulin sensitivity, lowered cholesterol and weight reduction however eating only between 8am an 2pm, burning six per cent more calories that people eating between 8am and 8pm, is the fact that much harder. I have tried fasting many times and even though it gets easier with time, I find it very difficult to do, especially as I work so much from home having a kitchen just a few feet away from my desk.

I started practicing like a nutrition therapist in 1999 and that's after i realised the secret of staying slim and healthy is not just being conscious of calories but additionally eating well. I live and eat my own 80:20 rule too. You need to follow healthy eating principles 80 per cent of times, but 20 percent of the time, you are able to relax and enjoy a goody.

I posess zero particularly sweet tooth however i love chocolate sometimes, and never that organic dark chocolate either. Produce purple Cadbury's milk chocolate any day. I'm really keen on icecream too. I can not eat anything containing gluten because I have ceoliac disease and even though gluten free options are far better than they used to be, I rarely eat them.

On a good day, I awaken early, usually before 6, have a mug of coffee and some yogurt with nuts then head to the gym. I usually do weights with a few cardio, and even though I'm aware that I ought to do more cardio, I have a problem with it. Afterwards I eat a couple of eggs, either boiled or scrambled, with more coffee, before beginning work.

I drink one one half litres of mineral water every single day, and that i no longer touch alcohol. I gave up and that i don't miss it really. I still like coffee, particularly a double latte created using soya milk but limit it to before midday when i find that I'm sensitive to caffeine these days, switching to green tea after lunch.

For a snack, I'll come with an apple plus some nuts whilst lunch might be something simple like tuna salad. I do cook quite a lot in the evenings. I am a significant creative cook, and I like things that are tasty but simple to prepare. I would never purchase a ready meal, even if I had been pushed for time. I am working from 8am to 6pm and every day life is pretty stressful, but there's always time to eat correctly.

My levels of cholesterol are good now although I've a hereditary tendency towards raised overall levels as well as increased LDL. I attempt and eat plenty of fibre, including a minimum of 30g nuts a day as well as olive oil

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