10 Rules About The Way Women and men Eat

Esquire.com posted a \”personal catalog\” of 30 \”likes, dislikes, habits, and rules\” concerning the way men eat. I haven't thought much about it before, but looking at their list, I suddenly realize that women and men are practically opposites when it comes to mealtime. Following the jump, 10 habits and rules for males from Esquire, plus our very own personal catalog of 10 likes, dislikes, habits, and rules about the way women eat.

Esquire's Personal Catalog of Men's Eating Habits

1. A plate of salami could be a meal, if it's what's there. You appear around. Fried eggs over tortilla chips. Hunger spurs creativity inside a man.

2. I'll dip almost anything in just about anything – something from the fridge, something in the other end of the table. Fried chicken in the guacamole. A slice of pizza in the tub of take-out ranch. Whatever's in front of me.

3. If I love the waitress, I tell her to bring me whatever's good. It has afforded me many discoveries.

4. I would rather wait till dinner than have brunch.

5. A guy doesn't need more bread. More chips maybe, although not more bread.

6. You can cook a great meal in the time that it takes to drink one cocktail.

7. A beer with lunch could be transformative.

8. I don't particularly enjoy sharing. Except with a woman, and then only around the first two dates or any wedding anniversary after the tenth.

9. There aren't many greater joys than eating a Cinnabon and drinking coffee while parked, alone, in the Walt Whitman Service Area around the Nj Turnpike on the cold morning.

10. Eating while walking, no. While driving, yes.

The Frisky's Personal Catalog Of Women's Eating Habits

1. A box of Wheat Thins, several baby carrots plus some cream cheese could be a meal if that's what's there.

2. Women will dip almost anything into cheese (see above) – a hunk of bread, some grape tomatoes, a piece of pizza, or perhaps a slice of apple.

3. If we love the bartender, we tell him to make us his specialty. It has afforded us several good drinks … and many hot dates.

4. I'd rather skip almost every other meal during the day to possess brunch.

5. There isn't any such thing as an excessive amount of bread.

6. Sometimes a cocktail is meals.

7. A beer with lunch could be transformative (ah, something we agree with!).

8. We'll share our salad should you share your fries!

9. There are few greater joys in everyday life than sipping a latte on a Sunday morning while eating a lightly toasted whole wheat bagel with veggie cream cheese and reading the brand new York Times Style section.

10. Eating while walking, no. Eating during sexual intercourse, maybe.

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