5 Motivating Ways to Measure Weight-Loss Success

When you're trying to lose weight, a clear way of measuring success is seeing the amount on the scale drop. But weigh-ins can also frustrate or intimidate some people, and may not be the best method for everybody.

\”Your weight naturally fluctuates during the day, to ensure that can be a poor measure of success,\” says Jennifer Smith, RD. \”And muscle weighs more than fat, so if you begin working out or improve your workout, you may begin to see the number on the scale increase, even though you are becoming healthier.\”

Instead of focusing solely around the scale, think about these alternate measures of success, which can let you know your weight-loss efforts are actually working:



Maybe you've decided to lose weight because your jeans started to feel too tight. Once you start eating a larger number of whole-foods for a few weeks, you may notice your pants aren't as snug anymore, whether or not the bathroom scale has barely budged.

\”The best measure of weight reduction is examining the modification in body composition,\” says Don Dengel, PhD, professor in the school of kinesiology in the University of Minnesota. \”You may have a significant alternation in body composition with no corresponding alternation in total bodyweight. For instance, you might have a rise in muscle tissue with a loss in fat mass.\”

Focusing on how your clothes fit might help boost self-esteem and keep you going to stay together with your plan as opposed to being frustrated by a specific number around the scale. \”Comparing the fit of clothing supplies a personal level of accomplishment,\” says Mike Gallagher, PhD, associate professor of exercise and sport science at the University of Central Arkansas.



Some fitness instructors and registered dietitians recommend measuring your waist circumference periodically, every 2 -3 weeks for example, as you start a new diet or exercise program. With time, as the waist gets smaller, you will have concrete evidence you're slimming down.

\”If that number has decreased, it's a win-win, since the decrease your waist circumference, the lower your risk factor for chronic conditions like Type 2 diabetes,\” says Jerlyn Jones, RD, a Georgia-based spokesperson for that Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.



When you fuel yourself with healthy foods and get enough exercise, you won't just slim down, but you also needs to start to feel good mentally. \”You should really measure your success in your feelings,\” says Smith. \”Do you've more energy? Do you have more joy and zest for life? Are you understanding how to love and respect your body?\”

Having a more positive mindset can also inspire you to stick with healthy habits. \”You should find yourself with more self-confidence since you are taking care of yourself, which will further stoke motivation,\” says Smith.



If you didn't get much exercise before you embarked in your weight-loss journey but they're maintaining a normal exercise program today, you're probably in a position to push yourself farther than before. A rise in stamina is an indirect way of measuring weight reduction, but it's an empowering reminder you're getting into shape through your own hard work.

\”Try tracking just how much farther you are able to walk, run, cycle or swim [or] how much longer you're active for, compared to the previous day, previous week, previous month,\” says Gallagher. \”As your health and fitness improves, you should be able to speak and breathe easier at the given level of activity.\”



You may notice you have been getting better-quality sleep lately from your positive changes in lifestyle. Not just is sleep associated with weight reduction, it can help you remain healthy overall by reducing inflammation, helping repair muscles, reducing stress levels and enabling you to perform your very best when exercising.

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