Dogs don't do chocolate

There are many substances commonly available in the human world which are poisonous and can prove lethal to your pet and dog’s definitely don’t do chocolate. Always speak to your vet immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested something that could do them harm. Never watch and wait as numerous symptoms can take hours or days to manifest and by that time it could be past too far.

Never watch and wait as numerous symptoms may take hours or days to manifest by that point in could be past too far.

Chocolate contains a stimulant called Theobromine (much like caffeine) that's poisonous to dogs. The quantity of Theobromine differs in various kinds of chocolate – chocolates has the most in it and candy has hardly any. Theobromine mainly affects the center, central nervous system and kidneys. Symptoms will occur from 4-24 hours after your dog has eaten chocolate and can vary with respect to the amount of chocolate your pet has eaten. Read more info on the signs and symptoms of chocolate poisoning.

Onions are toxic to dogs and cats. Worryingly signs of poisoning occur a few days after consumption and so you may not be immediately conscious of what's making your pet ill.

All types of onion will make your pet ill including dried/dehydrated, raw and cooked onions, so be particularly careful when disposing of leftovers for example pizzas, Chinese and Indian food as well as baby food often contains puréed onion.

The onion family causes gastrointestinal upset and could result in red blood cell damage so you ought to be particularly careful to keep these out of your animal's reach.

The onion family causes gastrointestinal upset and could lead to red blood cell damage so you should be particularly careful to keep these out of your animal’s reach.

Grapes and raisin can be extremely dangerous to dogs and the signs and symptoms might not become apparent for approximately Five days after consumption. Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure and are extremely dangerous for your pets. Contact your vet if you think they have eaten them, even when your pet seems fine.

Macadamia nuts cause dogs to see weakness, depression, tremors, vomiting and reduces their ability to keep their body temperature plus they may overheat. Symptoms typically last for 12 to Two days.

Alcohol is significantly more toxic to dogs than to humans and could cause vomiting, diarrhoea, decreased coordination, depression of the central nervous system, shaking, difficulty breathing, abnormal blood acidity, coma and even death.

Caffeine can have a similar effect to chocolate. Dogs tend to be more responsive to the effects of caffeine than people and enormous quantities may cause toxicity.

Corn on the cob and sweetcorn often results in gastrointestinal blockage and results in constipation, vomiting and may make them very ill.

Xylito is an artificial sweetener present in many foods for example sugar-free gum, diabetic cakes and diet foods. This substance causes many animals to produce insulin which could cause a life-threatening lowering of their blood sugar (hypoglycaemia). Symptoms include; lethargy, vomiting, loss of coordination, an inability to face up and seizures. Xylitol has also been linked to fatal acute liver disease and blood clotting disorders in dogs. Even very small amounts can be very dangerous so speak to your vet immediately if you're worried.

Cooked bones are particularly dangerous for dogs as the bones become brittle and can splinter causing choking or possibly puncturing further down the digestive tract. Small bones could possibly get stuck within their bowel and often cause constipation.

Avocados contain a substance called Persin which could give dogs diarrhoea or make them vomit.

Milk and milk products may cause diarrhoea as dogs struggle to break down lactose.

Ibuprofen coated in sugar is very appealing to dogs – if you suspect they've eaten them you ought to get immediate veterinary help. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea, bleeding from the gut, stomach ulceration and kidney failure.

Tip: Always go ahead and take packaging and remains of poisonous foods with you to the vet as this will assist them to estimate how much continues to be ingested and establish what it really was and when it comes with an antidote.

First Aid for Pets provides this information for guidance which is not by any means an alternative to veterinary advice. The author doesn't accept any liability or responsibility for just about any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis associated with a person or animal, however caused. It is strongly advised that you attend an operating First-aid for Pets course or take our online course to know how to proceed inside a medical emergency.

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