How Yo-Yo Dieting Really Affects Your Body

You start your wellbeing journey in a dramatic way, by significantly altering your diet – maybe selecting a trendy option that's all about big weight loss very quickly. And it works. But once you begin looking for some balance, the scale creeps back up until you may be in which you started, or worse, you've gained a bit more. So, back on the cycle you decide to go, again and again.

This process is very familiar – and incredibly frustrating – to many people who've tried to slim down. Often called yo-yo dieting or weight cycling, this up-and-down phenomenon of loss and gain can be tough on your confidence, self-esteem and clothing budget. It may also be detrimental to your body in many ways.

Here are three from the top issues yo-yo dieting can cause:


In findings presented at a recent American Heart Association meeting, researchers from Columbia University presented evidence that weight cycling impacts seven cardiovascular disease risk factors: smoking status, weight, diet, physical activity, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose.

As little as Ten pounds of loss-regain-loss can increase risk, based on lead researcher Dr. Brooke Aggarwal, assistant professor of medical sciences at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons.

\”We think it is possible that every time the weight is regained, cardiovascular risk factors for example blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose nudge higher, above the baseline level,\” she says.

That's because weight that's lost is generally a mix of fat and some lean muscle tissue, she adds, but weight that's regained is fat. This is a serious problem, since it is often in the belly region, and belly fat continues to be strongly related to risk for coronary disease,

\”The findings in our current study claim that maintaining a regular weight may be important for managing cardiovascular health, just as achieving a healthy body weight is,\” she says.


When you're on the weight-cycling track, your metabolism kind of freaks out. When that occurs, it fights back with an increase of hunger and slower calorie burn as a way to slow how well you're progressing. That's because your metabolism likes to maintain a \”set point,\” says Dr. Nicole Harkin, attending cardiologist at Manhattan Cardiovascular Associates.

\”This downregulation of the basal metabolic rate, known as adaptive thermogenesis, can persist for some time, with recent research indicating it can last for years,\” she notes. \”We don't yet know what exactly determines that set point, and most importantly, how you can reset it.\”

What they've known, she adds, is yo-yo dieting may cause metabolic damage with time, particularly if you cycle up and down repeatedly. The good thing is it doesn't need to be permanent. It is possible to support your metabolism through slower, steady weight reduction as well as through more strength training, since the amount and density of the muscle tissue can impact metabolism function.


Big swings in weight don't merely make the scale to bounce around, they can also cause hormonal changes that cause a ripple effect, based on Candice Seti, licensed clinical psychologist, certified personal trainer and certified nutrition coach, known as The Weight reduction Therapist.

Although factors such as age and gender can play a part, yo-yo dieting can throw off regulating hormones like cortisol and melatonin, Seti notes, making it easier to gain the weight back. And the more you weight cycle, the greater damaging it might be as the body attempts to adjust.

\”That's why the more you yo-yo, the faster you regain the weight in your next attempt,\” says Seti. \”Your is looking to get your hormones back on track, so it causes intense craving for food and holds onto fat as a way to re-find its 'normal' operation.\”


Dropping significant weight quickly may be good for Instagram, but it is tough on our bodies, and fortunately, it's not the only option. As difficult as it can be to feel patient during the weight-loss process, the common advice of losing just 1 -2 pounds each week through long-term changes can be your best bet to keep the weight off for good, Seti says.

In accessory for carrying out a non-trendy diet, there are tried-and-true tactics that can help, such as getting enough sleep, focusing on de-stressing tactics, eating enough protein and tracking your progress on an app like MyFitnessPal.

In terms of exercise, HIIT workouts and strength training might help produce a metabolic boost, according to Seti, making your body burn fat for twenty-four -48 hours after a workout.

\”Although it's tempting to lose a lot of weight quickly, yo-yo dieters realize that it can be challenging physically and emotionally once the weight begins to return,\” Seti says. \”Instead of seeing the body as an enemy you need to fight, focus on supporting it in a way that keeps it fueled with well balanced meals, plenty of movement, sleep and joy. That sets up great habits which help you drop the yo-yo.\”

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